Sponsored Content

Why invest in Didacte's blog?

Didacte is a company that shines in its industry through its professionalism and strong corporate culture.

Our notoriety and credibility can be valuable assets for your business too!

SEO Ranking

Take advantage of didacte.com domain authority to get quality backlinks to your website. This referencing will have a direct and positive impact on your SEO strategy!

Quality traffic

Speak more directly to your target audience by publishing an article on the Didacte blog. Our website is mainly consulted by entrepreneurs, managers and administrators.

More exposure

Increase the reach of your article with our social media and newsletter strategy. We share all articles with our growing online community!

What kind of sponsored content can I buy on Didacte?

There are two ways to position your company on Didacte's blog:

  • Add a do-follow backlink to an existing article

  • Write a new article of your choice

Invest on Didacte!

How does it work?

The procedure varies a bit depending on the type of investment you want to make:

Add a do-follow backlink to an existing article

The purchase of an external do-follow link on Didacte's blog costs $50 CAD and will be integrated in the French and English version of the article.

You can choose the article in which you would like to add a link and indicate the website you want to promote. You can even suggest the text to insert in the article to introduce your link!

Here are the steps to follow to proceed:

  1. Complete this form to collaborate with Didacte

  2. Our team will review your request to see if it meets our requirements

  3. If your request is accepted, you will receive an invoice to pay for the link to be added to our blog

  4. Once the invoice has been paid, we will integrate the article and send you the link to the updated article

Write a new article of your choice

The publishing of a sponsored post on Didacte's blog costs $200 CAD and you submit the topic(s) of your choice.

All articles are also translated and adapted for SEO in French, which also contributes to the reach of your article!

Your name and brand will appear in the author's presentation of the article you wrote, and a do-follow link to your website will be added. You can also add a do-follow backlink in the content of the article.

However, new articles must comply with our Content Guidelines and deal with topics that are of interest to our target audience. Our team reserves the right to cancel the release of a sponsored post if our requirements are not met.

Here are the steps to follow to proceed:

  1. Complete this form to collaborate with Didacte

  2. Our team will review your application to ensure that it meets our requirements

  3. If your request is accepted, you will receive a confirmation of the article to be written and the keywords to be included, as well as an invoice to be paid so that the article can be published

  4. Once the invoice is paid and the article is written, we will edit, translate and integrate the article on our blog

  5. We will send you the link to share, and we will publish it on our social networks

Collaborate with us!